So this is my girls room. Its pretty much a blank canvas right now. This is the desk that my grandparents tried to sell for years, and I finally took it off their hands. In our old house it sat in my kitchen because of the vintage green, it held cookbooks and my microwave. Now its in the girls room. It will be re-done, which is going to be a job. Everything is solid wood- EXCEPT the top which is particle board that is falling apart. So I'm not sure how I'm going to fix that. But I'm sure I'll figure something out, and it will look great when I'm done. The lamp is from IKEA- $5 total, everything was on sale. I plan on adding ribbon, or painting an Eiffel tower on the shade. Small bookcase was another freebie. My friend Jennifer found it by the dumpster at her apartments, she put it back together, and we plan on adding some paint to tie it into the room's eventual Paris theme. Remember yesterday's no shame post? This is the headboard! It really is perfect- its the perfect shade of white, has a great girly flair- I might add some finials, and I may not. But there you have it, the bones of what will end up being a perfect room for two growing girls. Girly enough for the 5 year old, and grown up enough for the 9 year old.
I've been doing A LOT of searching of cute kids rooms online, and I saw a girls room done up in fashion type decor. But the neatest thing was in different parts of the walls would be a vignette from major fashion cities around the world and a (painted) clock with that time zone, so you decide on a time and then zone it all around your room..make sense? I thought that was so clever. Love your blog Mandy :)
Well if you are here you probably know me. If you don't know me- I am a stay at home mom to four kids. Sadie-8, Connor-7, Tandee Grace-5, and Matthew 2. My life is busy busy. I live with my family in the Dallas/Ft Worth area.
I stay at home currently and that may or may not change in the future. I will have three kids in school this fall. I am redecorating my home on a less than shoe string budget.
This is my life....I wouldn't have it any other way.
I've been doing A LOT of searching of cute kids rooms online, and I saw a girls room done up in fashion type decor. But the neatest thing was in different parts of the walls would be a vignette from major fashion cities around the world and a (painted) clock with that time zone, so you decide on a time and then zone it all around your room..make sense? I thought that was so clever. Love your blog Mandy :)