So after two coats of Glidden Crisp Linen White, the case has made its way back into my house. Its home by the window will be changing soon as another project gets on its way to being completed, and we can start rearranging things more to my liking. I love how the white brightens it up so much, its much easier to see what I'm displaying. ;) (yes I'm one of THOSE people) The only bad thing about its new location is it will make the difference between my freshly painted white furniture and the HUGE undertaking the main living room project is going to be. But its going to be exciting and amazing no matter how time consuming its going to be ;) How's that for a teaser?
Oops I forgot!: Total Time: 3 hours Total Cost: $0
Well if you are here you probably know me. If you don't know me- I am a stay at home mom to four kids. Sadie-8, Connor-7, Tandee Grace-5, and Matthew 2. My life is busy busy. I live with my family in the Dallas/Ft Worth area.
I stay at home currently and that may or may not change in the future. I will have three kids in school this fall. I am redecorating my home on a less than shoe string budget.
This is my life....I wouldn't have it any other way.
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